What's the craic?

As a business owner, I understand how frustrating it is trying to do everything yourself. 

Sometimes, you just want to knock back a bottle of Bushmills Whiskey and lie in a darkened room. 

But if you hire me, the only time you’ll have to knock back a bottle of whiskey is when you’re celebrating your success (although I don’t condone this even though I’m Irish).

No Faff, No Fuss, No Fluff

(apart from my German Shepherd’s fur).

You don’t have time to create content maybe you’re not even sure how, you can become completely scunered (Northern Irish for fed up).

Leave it to me. Your new best friend in marketing.

I’ve worked as a chef, in retail, waste management,  and ran my own retail business, but I adore writing.

I’ve been writing and getting published since I was a teenager. 

In 2019, I took the plunge and became a SEO copywriter working from home in Northern Ireland. 

And I absolutely love it.

As a fan of Queen, I know a thing or two about hitting the right note with your copy. 

I am passionate about supporting my business owners who love their customers, just like I do. 

As a trained journalist, I thoroughly research topics, write directly, and provide a stress-free and seamless process for clients which keeps them coming back. 

People need your service or product. They just don’t know it yet. 

Ready to change that?

Rebecca started working with us over 18 months ago, when our blog was at its infancy. We barely saw one hundred visitors per month.

Today, the site has become profitable, with close to 100,000 monthly visitors.

Rebecca has been instrumental in helping us grow the business. She has written dozens of SEO optimised articles and managed our social media.

She is always very professional and accommodating - it's a pleasure working with her.
Felipe Vernaza

Why Work With Me?


You'll get my wealth of knowledge and skills to help your business grow.


I'm friendly enough to listen, feisty enough to deliver.


I go out of my way to help you, even if it doesn't fall under copywriting.

Save Time

I help you save time, meet your goals, and take some of the pressure off.


I have created a seamless process to ensure working with me is easy.

Get Results

Want to increase your brand awareness? Want more traffic? I can help.

Enough About Work...

🍹 I love whiskey and rum, but I’m not a pirate (although I’d love to be one). 

🐶 I have a German Shepherd that has to be touching me at all times. 

🌍 I live in Antrim, Northern Ireland, and I love it (even with our miserable weather).

👑 My fave band is Queen (I saw them play in 2022 and almost lost my voice).

🚁 I took a flying lesson before I had a driving lesson.